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Rhino 5.0 WIP for Win32/64位
更新时间:2011 年 6 月 29 日
软件版本:WIP 2011-06-29 (29-Jun-2011)
Block: Block names are now displayed as part of their object Properties.
BlockEdit: New dialog box prompts prior to starting another Rhino session to edit top-level, linked blocks and added a command line option to control display of the warning dialog so that it can be turned back on if somebody chooses the “Don’t ask again” checkbox.
BlockManager: The block infrastructure in Rhino now automatically saves both relative and absolute paths, and uses both as hints when searching for files. Therefore, the “Use relative path” checkbox has been removed from the BlockManager > Properties dialog box.
Insert: Dialog box changed to reflect status of linked and embedded blocks.
Insert: The Insert dialog can now be expanded horizontally.
Insert: When inserting a .3dm file as a block, if a block of the same name already exists in the model, the block name is incremented with a number.
Insert: Inserting a block defined in a linked model is no longer allowed. The BlockManager command has been updated to filter these blocks out.
Pipe: History is now enabled for the Pipe command.
BlockEdit: When using the Add button, the block was incorrectly removed from the file. This is fixed.
BlockManager: An “Update Later” button has been added so that if you have a model set to prompt when linked and embedded blocks are updated and you don’t want to update anything, you no longer have to clear all the checkboxes and click “Update Now”.
Bongo: Rhino 5.0 WIP 6/17/2011 crashed while loading Bongo 1.0 SR7. This is fixed.
DimDiameter/DimRadius: In a detail, hidden objects were incorrectly being selected. This is fixed.
Insert: Command-line options have been updated to match the dialog box.
Insert: The style “Link & Embed” has changed to an “Allow update” option for Linked blocks.
Insert: When inserting an .dwg file, nested blocks insertion points were incorrectly placed. This is fixed.
MaterialEditor: Plug-in materials were being lost. This is fixed.
Pipe: New Thickness option sets the pipe wall thickness. Negative numbers make the first radius the outer core.
Properties: Isocurve display set to 0 did not work properly. This is fixed.
ReplaceDetail: No longer repeats
Windows 32 位 http://files.na.mcneel.com/…x86_en-us_20110629_0634.msi
Windows 64 位 http://files.na.mcneel.com/…x64_en-us_20110629_0634.msi
另附破解文件,来自网络,测试过 32 位的破解文件,依然不可用。
Windows 32 位 http://www.xun6.com/…/Rhino_5_x86_20110629.rar
Windows 64 位 http://www.xun6.com/…/Rhino_5_x64_20110629.rar
1.下载安装 Rhino 5.0 试用版。
2.使用破解文件 Rhino4.exe 文件替换安装目录下的原文件,例如:C:\Program FilesRhinoceros 5.0 WIP\System,请注意备份原文件。
4.如使用上述文件破解无效,可以还原后 Rhino4.exe 文件后,尝试使用注册机进行破解,下载地址:
Windows 32 位
Windows 64 位 http://www.xun6.com/…/rhx64_vs2010_gp.rar
注:Rhino 5.0 必需先安裝 Rhino 4.0 SR5 或更新的版本才能运行。
Rhino 5.0 可以與 Rhino 4.0 同時使用。
本版本还需要安装 http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?displayLang=en&id=17718