The download includes the plugin, a toolbar which maps to all commands and an example 3dv file for the _Import3DVoronoiSolution command.
Service Notice:This is an old plug-in that has a bunch of known, but unsolved bugs. The algorithms in this plug-in are slowly being integrated with Grasshopper. If you experience problems with this plug-in, you may want to consider switching to Grasshopper instead as it's being actively developed.
What is PointSet Reconstruction PSR is the process of creating 'higher level' geometry from ordinary points. There are many algorithms which can be grouped under this header and this plugin implements some of them. The most famous examples are Delaunay meshes and Voronoi diagrams:
The first image resembles a delaunay triangulation through a set of unorganized points. The second image represents a Voronoi subdivision of 2D space based on another pointcloud.
CommandsThere are several available commands in this plugin, hopefully an ever growing list. Most of them share a common interface:
You can select any amount of Points, Pointclouds, Curves or Meshes as input geometry. If you select curves you will be prompted for a division value which will be used to sample the curves. Curves are also always sampled at their kinks. After you have selected the input curves, the command will either complete if it has no options or it will draw a preview of the result while providing you with clickable command line options. Some options will cause the solution to become invalid in which case it will have to be recomputed. This is potentially a very expensive operation but you can always abort these processes by pressing the escape key.