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稍早版本 PanelingTools_2013_05_08_00.rhi(1.62MB)
PanelingTools WIP Plug-in for Rhino 4 and Rhino 5(WIP)
Summary: Rhino Plug-in for Paneling NURBs Surfaces and Polysurfaces. This is work in progress (WIP)
Background PanelingTools plugin helps generate 2D and 3D cellular patterns and populate them over rectangular grids.
The plug-in supports intuitive design of paneling concepts as well as rationalize complex geometry into a format that is suitable for analysis and fabrication. The plug-in is closely integrated with Rhino 4.0 and is widely used for architectural and other building designers.
For Rhino 4.0 SR8
Download PanelingTools plug-in for Rhino 4.0 SR8 (Updated January 5, 2011).
For Rhino 5.0 WIP - Updated weekly with each new WIP version
For Rhino Mac WIP
PanelingTools plugin is part of the Rhino for Mac WIP... . Please note that the Paneling Tools menu is not implemented since custom user interface changes are not yet working on the Mac, but all the commands are available. Type “pt” to see all the Paneling Tools commands in the AutoComplete list. Let us know what you think!
Other Downloads
Installation instructions
Download PanelingTools.zip and extract to any location on your computer.
Drag and drop PanelingTools.rhp file to an open session of Rhino. The plugin should now loaded. You need to do this once. Next time you open Rhino, PanelingTools plugin will load after you call a plugin command for the first time in that session. Another way to load a plugin is to use a PluginManager command and Install PanelingTools.rhp.
Drag and drop PanelingTools.tb (toolbars) to an open Rhino session. Toolbars will not show at this point. To view them, you need to go to Tools/Toolbar Layout, select PanelingTools and check its menus. Next time you open Rhino, toolbars will show in your workspace.- If you use Monkey RhinoScript Editor then you need to save PanelingTools.syntaxml file in ../Monkey/Resources folder. This way PanelingTools scripting methods will show on the left hand side tree of Monkey.
Documentation For documentation and examples, please check:
Feedback Please tell us what you think and how you are using PanelingTools to help shape future development.
Join the PanelingTools Group in Rhino Forum and post photos, news and discussions. Make sure to tag with keyword “PanelingTools”
For questions and feedback, contact the developer