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发布时间: 2023-4-3 08:58



tjdj98090 发表于 2024-4-22 18:53:51
石家庄体检代检代人体检【Q/微 23*7267*1680】代体检入职体检代检廊坊,保定,邢台,衡水,唐山,秦皇岛,沧州,张家口,承德Subhuti, there are as many grains of sand in the Ganges as there are grains of sand in the Ganges. What do you think?There is so much sand in the Ganges River, is it too much?Subhuti said: Many, World Honored One.The quantity of the Ganges alone is incalculable, let alone the amount of sand in the river.Subhuti, let me tell you clearly now: If a good man or woman fills the three thousand worlds with seven treasures, as many as the sands of the Ganges River, and gives away, will the merits gained be much?Subhuti said: Many, World Honored One.  The Buddha told Subhuti: If a good man or good woman practices even four verses of the principles in this sutra and explains them to others, his merits will be far greater than the merits mentioned above.  Also, Subhuti, whenever you preach this sutra anytime, anywhere, even if you only say four verses, you should know that all the world, including gods, humans, asuras, etc., should make offerings here, just like the place where the Buddha's pagoda and temple are located. .What's more, there are people who are completely able to practice, practice, read and recite.Subhuti, you should know that this person has achieved the highest and rarest Dharma.If it is where the sutra is, the Buddha is there, and you should respect this sutra just as disciples respect the Buddha.石家庄体检代检代人体检【Q/微 23*7267*1680】代体检入职体检代检廊坊,保定,邢台,衡水,唐山,秦皇岛,沧州,张家口,承德


周一至周五 9:30-18:00


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