Ashur 发表于 2011-9-30 11:17:44


(Thanks to Toby Humphrey for making some corrections in my grammar and making this tutorial readable)
It’s me again, Matus. Several people have asked me how to model a pillow in Rhinoceros, which I have been using in some of my scenes. Instead of just sharing this model I am going to show you how to do it! Here is the final product:
多谢Tby Humphrey制作了一些语法修正,让我的教程更加具有阅读性
又是我Matus^^ 很多朋友问道我如何用Rhino制作枕头,尤其是某些我在自己的场景中用到的
与直接分享模型不同的是,我打算教会大家如何制作:) 首先登场的是最终结果

This tutorial is going to be very quick, the whole modelling process took me approximately 10 minutes. This model was done in Rhinoceros 5 WIP, so you can see me using Gumball tool, which is not included in Rhinoceros 4. (but you can download it for Rhinoceros 4 as a plugin from official McNeel website, or use the one from T-Splines toolbar, if you have it.)传欀愀礀, let’s begin: First of all, we need to make a square, 400×400mm and explode it:
Okay 开始吧,首先 我们要制作一个400×400mm 的区域

Press Ctrl+A to select all of these 4 lines, type the Rebuild command and press Enter. Set the ‘Point count’ from 2 to 10 and the ‘degree’ from 1 to 3 (the degree number 3 will make curves from our simple lines). You can always click the image below to see a full resolution screenshot.

Select all the curves and press the F10 button to show the control points. Select the ‘top view’ and drag the corner points a little bit inside the square, creating filleted corners.

Now drag all the other control points in and out of the square, so they will be placed randomly. This forms basic frame for upholstery surfaces.
然后图哦转其它的控制点 也想内部来一点,最好让这些点随机排布,显得自然些,这些造型是生成曲面的关键控制

Duplicate these curves and move them up vertically by 75 mm.
复制粘贴这根线 然后向上移动75mm

Hide the original curves, so you can see only the duplicated ones. Again show the control points (from the menu, toolbar, or by pressing F10).

Now the INSERT KNOT command: It is not necessary to rebuild the entire curve with 20 or 50 control points to make it super-detailed. All you need is to insert some knots close to the places where you need your curves to be more detailed.
然后插入KNOT点,命令栏输入_insert knot,现在没必要再重建升到20点或者50点来制作细节了,你需要做的就是插入一些Knot点,在你需要制作细节的位置

And this is it. Make some deviations on these curves. Remember we are still in the 2D ‘top view’!
搞定,拉点再制作一些细节变化,记住啦 我们还是仅仅在二维空间的俯视图中进行的操作
**** Hidden Message *****

dxf999 发表于 2011-9-30 11:26:33


Ashur 发表于 2011-9-30 11:40:51

sjaidl 发表于 2011-9-30 11:30 static/image/common/back.gif
回复 回复再看


hubble 发表于 2011-9-30 11:42:11


聪明的傻瓜 发表于 2011-9-30 11:43:19


Ashur 发表于 2011-9-30 11:45:34

sjaidl 发表于 2011-9-30 11:42 static/image/common/back.gif

不好意思认错人了 呵呵 你做的也很不错^^

定于26 发表于 2011-9-30 11:45:40


Ashur 发表于 2011-9-30 11:48:07

定于26 发表于 2011-9-30 11:45 static/image/common/back.gif


Augustcjr 发表于 2011-9-30 11:53:26


物质的亮 发表于 2011-9-30 11:56:27


weiliangyht 发表于 2011-9-30 12:17:58

回复回复~ 看好贴~

ruru 发表于 2011-9-30 13:43:38

翻译的很详细哦 呵呵 谢谢小杨老师了:D

ironlock 发表于 2011-9-30 16:57:53


朱单靖devil 发表于 2011-9-30 17:05:34


shenchixin 发表于 2011-9-30 17:34:48

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查看完整版本: 老外的枕头建模教程+个人翻译