LunchBox v20150720 [Grasshopper插件]
64位 最新版本
32位 只能安装老版本
64位 另一下载处
LunchBox is a plug-in for Grasshopper for exploring mathematical shapes, paneling, structures, and workflow.The plug-in includes tools for:
[*]The latest release of LunchBox is built against Grasshopper 0.90014 and Rhino 5.0 (I am no longer testing with Rhino 4.0)
[*]Generate: Components for cool generative geometry.
[*]Math:Create parametric surfaces and forms such as the Mobius, Klein, or 3D Supershape
[*]Panels:Create paneling systems such as quad grids, diamonds, or triangles.
[*]Structure:Create wire structures such as diagrids or space trusses.
[*]Utility:Rationalize spline curves and reverse surfaces.
[*]Workflow: Read and write Excel files and automate baking and saving.
I hope the tool is as helpful to you as it is to me in the design process!To install:
[*]Download the Installer and walk through the instructions
[*]Launch Rhino and Grasshopper
[*]Download the ZIP package...
[*]In Grasshopper, choose File > Special Folders > Components folder. Save the gha file there.
[*]Right-click the file > Properties > make sure there is no "blocked" text
[*]Restart Rhino and Grasshopper
感激老大分享 早上起来就看到这么好的工具,太好了! 下载了~试试看 老大发的一定是好东西,可惜我用不上... 感谢M大,我下载下来了,但没学会怎么用它啊!!:'( 版本更新 怎么用?有教程吗 支持~~~ 感谢分享! 谢谢楼主~ 这是好东西,留着用吧 不错,学习! 为啥下载下来的东西没法安装啊 谢谢分享